一般社団法人触媒学会では,触媒および触媒反応の基礎研究のみならず応用研究にも着目し,特に工業における触媒技術を重視した東京国際触媒コンファレンス(Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology: TOCAT)を4年ごとに開催して参りました.前回は2014年に京都にてTOCAT7として開催しました.国内外から約1,000名の参加があり,産・官・学のいずれの分野からも高い評価を頂いております. 一般社団法人日本ゼオライト学会ではゼオライト及びミクロポーラス結晶に関する国際会議としてZMPC (International Symposium on Zeolites and MicroPorous Crystals)を3年ごとに開催して参りました.前回のZMPC2015(札幌)では国内外から約500名の参加がありました. この度、TOCAT8とZMPC2018を同日、同会場で「TOCAT8-ZMPC2018 Yokohama」として2018年(平成30年)8月5日から10日の日程で,横浜市のパシフィコ横浜にて開催することになりました.TOCAT8とZMPC2018を合わせ参加者は約1,500名に上ると考えております.是非とも開催へのご協力をお願い申し上げます.
ご協力の方法としてはSponsorship(寄付)とExhibition(展示)の2パターンございます. 詳細はこちら.是非ご検討ください.
"TOCAT8-ZMPC2018 Yokohama" (The 8th Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology and International Symposium on Zeolite and Microporous Crystals 2018) is an international congress focusing on the novel functional materials, such as zeolites, ceramics, metals, complexes, their related ones, etc., and their application for various industrial fields. These materials are indispensable to the establishment of sustainable society in the world. On the other hand, academia has payed the attention on the substantial solution for these problems through actively academic and engineering exchanges between scientists, engineers, and researchers on an international meeting. In this regard, we decide to hold the international conference on catalysis of zeolites and the other materials based on scientific and engineering aspects in Tokyo and its outskirts.
Hence, "TOCAT8-ZMPC2018 Yokohama" will be held in Yokohama on August 5 to 10, 2018. "TOCAT8-ZMPC2018 Yokohama" will start from a plenary lecture on Sunday. We also will provide parallel sessions on many scientific and engineering divisions.
On behalf of the organizing committee of TOCAT8 and ZMPC2018, we are happy to announce and cordially invite your organization to join TOCAT8 and ZMPC2018 that will take place in Yokohama, Japan, August 5-10, 2018.
Please feel free to contact us if you need additional information or are considering different ways to sponsor.
Application for "Luncheon seminar", as the other sponsorship, is now acceptable. It will be held on August 6 (Mon.), 7 (Tue.) and 8 (Wed.).
Cost: 200,000 JPY, including 100 Lunch Boxes.