Logo ICC14PreSympo
Key Dates
Scientific Program
Call for Papers
Abstract Submission
 3rd Circular Transportation Accommodation Social Events
ICC 14 Organization


Abstract submission has been closed.
More than 370 papers have been submitted. Thank you!

   The Catalysis Society of Japan organizes a pre-symposium of 14th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC 14) as the celebration of 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Society during July 8-12, 2008 (July 12 for optional sightseeing) in a Japanese memorial city, Kyoto. The perspectives and current status of pioneering selective catalysis designed and manipulated at atomic/nano-levels will be the emphasis of this symposium. Achievements of worldwide young scientists will be also highlighted. The three-day scientific program will comprise 3 plenary lectures, 49 invited lectures, 72 oral presentations and 250 poster presentaions.